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What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is a condition that can be life-threatening and requires immediate treatment. It occurs when the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, where it becomes nonviable (it cannot develop). Getting an ultrasound is strongly recommended to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Crossroads Care Clinic provides free limited ultrasounds that offer critical

How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

The emotional effects of an abortion procedure may have hit you right after the procedure or even months or years later. Every woman’s experience is unique. Common mental health issues that women face after an abortion experience include the following: To recover emotionally after an abortion, you may still need to grieve and work through

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

You have several choices for an unexpected pregnancy. Sorting through each can feel difficult, especially if you’re unsure where to begin.  If you don’t wish to parent, you have two choices for your pregnancy. Learning everything possible about abortion and adoption can help you make a confident decision.  Crossroads Clinic is here to help. Keep

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

It’s understandable if you’re unexpectedly pregnant and wondering why you’ve been told to receive an ultrasound. However, this scan is an important first step to understanding your situation.  Ultrasounds view the structures inside your body. During pregnancy, they provide valuable details and can detect certain conditions you may need medical treatment for. Continue reading to

3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

If you’re considering an abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, make sure you get an ultrasound scan first. You need to know more than if your period is late and your pregnancy test is positive.  Experts estimate more than one in four pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and most of those occur in the first 12

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Abortion is a significant pregnancy decision that will change your future forever. It’s important to understand the different types of abortion procedures and the risks to make an informed decision.  At Crossroads Care Clinic, we offer pregnancy options education and pregnancy services to confirm your pregnancy details.  Understand the Risks There are both mental and

A Day in the Life of Counseling Room #1

Our first client today came with her husband which actually earned her twice the points in our Earn While You Learn Program for watching the video and filling out the worksheet that goes along with each video. The first video today was about Prenatal Care.  There were several interesting points they brought up that I thought were worth passing

A Day in the Life of Counseling Room #1

Whew, another whirlwind day is coming to an end…  There were several clients in and out of the counseling room watching all types of informative videos, but I think the most interesting one today was about how to understand the different cries that your baby can make and what they might mean… The “Understanding Your Baby’s Cry” video introduces an

A Day in the Life of Counseling Room #1

Whew, another whirlwind day is coming to an end… There were several clients in and out of the counseling room watching all types of informative videos, but I think the most interesting one today was about how to understand the different cries that your baby can make and what they might mean… The “Understanding Your

A Day in the Life of Counseling Room #1

Today was a busy day in Counseling Room #1 at the Pregnancy Resource Center… I started off my morning watching a video with one of our young clients and her boyfriend about how she and the baby are developing during the 1st Trimester or 1st 13 weeks of pregnancy. I learned: Later in the day I watched a

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