Today was a busy day in Counseling Room #1 at the Pregnancy Resource Center… I started off my morning watching a video with one of our young clients and her boyfriend about how she and the baby are developing during the 1st Trimester or 1st 13 weeks of pregnancy.
I learned:
- the morning sickness she is having is normal in this stage and that it will likely subside as she enters the 2nd trimester
- she is likely to gain 2-4 pounds during this time and then 1 pound per week for the remaining time in her pregnancy
- smoking can cause a low birth weight baby and can increase risks of other chronic conditions like: bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections, severe asthma, respiratory symptoms and slow lung growth
- at 4 weeks, her baby’s heart has already begun to beat and by the end of the trimester he or she also has arms, legs, fingers, toes, eyelids, ears, ankles and wrists and all major organs and systems are forming
Later in the day I watched a video on The Goals and Benefits of Breastfeeding.
Did you know that:
- breastfeeding benefits for the mother include: bonding, reduced risks for breast cancer, decreased post-partum bleeding and depression, weight loss and not to mention the cost savings over buying formula
- You need to set goals like: What does success look like to me? How long will I breastfeed? Will I exclusively breastfeed?
- 98% of your success with breastfeeding comes from your confidence and commitment to the process
- Just breastfeeding for the first few days, even just in the hospital, will give your baby increased immunity and comfort as they adjust to life outside the womb
In the coming days I’m looking forward to learning more about how mothers and their babies change and develop as they continue in the pregnancy as well as more about the benefits and techniques to use for successful breastfeeding…
If you know someone who would benefit from this information please share this post along with this link for a full list of all of our services at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Statesville.