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If you’re considering an abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, make sure you get an ultrasound scan first. You need to know more than if your period is late and your pregnancy test is positive. 

Experts estimate more than one in four pregnancies end in a miscarriage, and most of those occur in the first 12 weeks. Depending on when you took your pregnancy test, you may no longer be pregnant. 

Get the answers you need with an ultrasound.

1. Are You Still Pregnant?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that 26% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. Because it takes a woman’s body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels, it is possible to get a positive pregnancy test days or weeks after a miscarriage.

The most accurate way to determine if you are still pregnant is to have an ultrasound scan. An ultrasound can detect a heartbeat, indicating a developing pregnancy. If the ultrasound does not pick up a heartbeat, it is either too early in your pregnancy or you have had a miscarriage.

2. Do You Know How Many Weeks You’ve Been Pregnant?

If you are considering using the abortion pill method (abortion drugs), you need to know how far along you are in your pregnancy. The FDA approves the use of abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy only (70 days from the first day of your last period).

The drugs become less effective the farther along you are in your pregnancy. Knowing when you got pregnant is vital to learn which abortion procedure you qualify for.

The ultrasound technician measures the pregnancy and can provide a highly accurate date for when your pregnancy began.

3. Where is Your Pregnancy Located?

When a pregnancy implants outside the uterus, it is known as an ectopic pregnancy. Often, an ectopic pregnancy forms in one of the fallopian tubes leading to the uterus. This can also be called a tubal pregnancy.

Because an ectopic pregnancy cannot continue to grow without causing major health consequences, your healthcare provider must treat it immediately. An ectopic pregnancy can even be life-threatening.

Ultrasound locates your pregnancy and determines whether it’s growing in the correct location or not. 

How Crossroads Care Clinic Can Help

We understand the value of having as much information as possible to make a confident decision. Come to our clinic for free, and accurate pregnancy testing will be administered by a professional.

If your test is positive, we’ll provide a free limited obstetrical ultrasound to confirm if your pregnancy is developing, how long you’ve been pregnant, and the pregnancy’s location.

Don’t skip this critical step if you’re considering an abortion. Stay healthy and safe with a free limited obstetrical ultrasound from us. 

Conveniently schedule your appointment online or call (704) 871-0338. We’re here for you.

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