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Abortion is a significant pregnancy decision that will change your future forever. It’s important to understand the different types of abortion procedures and the risks to make an informed decision. 

At Crossroads Care Clinic, we offer pregnancy options education and pregnancy services to confirm your pregnancy details. 

Understand the Risks

There are both mental and physical risks to an abortion. According to the National Library of Medicine study for women after a miscarriage or abortion, “A significant number of those experiencing a reproductive loss exhibit signs of anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.” 

There are two types of abortion procedures: medical and surgical abortion. Possible medical abortion risks include incomplete abortion, infection, and more. Potential surgical abortion risks include uterine perforation, abdominal pain,  infection, and more. 

When visiting our clinic, we can offer more in-depth insight into your pregnancy options, including the risks of abortion.

Confirm Your Pregnancy Details

First, get lab-quality pregnancy testing to confirm your pregnancy. We at Crossroads Care Clinic provide free, accurate pregnancy testing administered by professionals. 

If you get a positive pregnancy test at the Crossroads Care Clinic, we offer a free limited ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy details. These details include how far along you are, the location of the pregnancy (if it’s within the uterus), and viability (if there’s a heartbeat and the pregnancy is progressing).

An ultrasound safeguards your health as it can alert you if you’ve miscarried or are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates as many as 26% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. It is possible to get a positive pregnancy test result in the days and even weeks following a miscarriage. 

Free Pregnancy Services & Education

We offer free and confidential pregnancy services so you can be sure of your pregnancy health. We believe you deserve as much information as possible to make a confident decision about your unexpected pregnancy. 

Contact us to schedule an initial pregnancy appointment and get the answers you need about your pregnancy and options. You are not alone.

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