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The emotional effects of an abortion procedure may have hit you right after the procedure or even months or years later. Every woman’s experience is unique.

Common mental health issues that women face after an abortion experience include the following:

  • Relationship problems
  • Substance misuse
  • Depression
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD)

To recover emotionally after an abortion, you may still need to grieve and work through your emotions to get the breakthrough you want. You are not alone.

Most women need practical support throughout their recovery and healing process. At Crossroads Care Clinic, we provide free and confidential post-abortion counseling support.

Take Time to Grieve 

If you haven’t already, don’t be afraid to take space and time to grieve. Shoving down your emotions can tend to do the opposite of healing and turn into a blow-up later.

Grieving could begin with journaling, crying, or taking a moment of silence to work through your emotions. Your emotions are not bad and often signal an area to process.

Talk to Someone You Trust

Once you’ve been open and honest with yourself about the emotions you’re facing after abortion, don’t be afraid to talk to someone else for support.

Talk to someone you trust about your abortion experience. This could be your mom, friend, partner, or another mentor or family member you feel safe to open up to. They may be able to encourage you in certain areas where you can’t by yourself.

Free Post-Abortion Counseling

At Crossroads Care Clinic, we’re a safe space to begin your recovery process after abortion. If you have experienced an abortion and are struggling with these feelings or other related feelings for days or even years afterward, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out today to find hope and healing.

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